What is a Resource Conservation District?
RCDs are non-regulatory, political subdivisions of the State of California (public resources code, article 9).
RCDs provide local leadership and deliver conservation measures their constituents. Board members are unpaid volunteers who are dedicated to local delivery of conservation services. All services are delivered on a strictly voluntary basis.
In the 1930s “Dust Bowl Era” the federal government recognized erosion control as a number one priority of this country if farmers were to continue with the agricultural production that would feed our nation. As a result Conservation Districts were authorized to increase leadership and provide assistance at the local level to landowners, farmers, and ranchers. Districts provide locally-led conservation efforts.
California recognized the importance of Conservation Districts, and in 1938 authorized their formation. 80% of California land is located in an RCD. Many changes have taken place since then but Resource Conservation Districts are empowered with the obligation and responsibility to provide local leadership and assistance to your constituency. Voluntary assistance builds trust.
“resource conservation is of fundamental importance to the prosperity and welfare of the people of the state" (public resources code sec. 9001).
RCDs do streambed restorations, provide conservation education, develop watershed planning and habitat restoration and many other projects. There are 103 districts statewide to serve not only rural agricultural areas, but urbanized areas as well.
For more information contact:
California Association of Resource Conservation Districts
3823 V. St. Suite #3
Sacramento Ca, 95817
916-457-7904/ 916-457-7934 fax
email: Staff@carcd.org